Thank you, that made me think about all the old houses I've driven or walked past and wondered what they were like in their day. It also makes me think of a mansion in Seattle where I had an apartment for a couple of years, in the 1980s. A house built around 1900, on a hill, tremendous view. And then converted to about a dozen apartments; mine on the top floor had been made out of what had been servant's quarters. I wonder about the stories that house has. And that house lives on today.

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That's so great that it’s still standing! It’s so sad to me when old houses get torn down.

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I looked it up on Zillow, this is the place. I really enjoyed the two years I was there, '87-'89. In the pics, that semi-circular deck did not have a fence and was not accessible; glad to see it now has a use. https://www.zillow.com/b/gable-house-mansion-seattle-wa-5fzJ9z/

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Wow! Those mantlepieces and ceiling medallions are amazing! I would have loved living there too!

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It was fun, and the view was fantastic. It was more of a work-in-progress back in the 80s, I remember the lobby/main floor was pretty lame. I think the owners had just purchased it recently and were still figuring it out. (I've no idea if it's still the same owners). Nonetheless, fond memories.

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