Summer's End, 1965
I like this story. It feels true and that you are not a young person making it up. The Beatles were so huge effecting all parts of our world then, you ought to expand and continue this story to cover 1962-1970. Well done. If you are young, Bravo!
Thank you! (I’m 38 so young is relative I suppose!)
It’s young to first generation Beatle fans who lived through that decade. That it felt real to me is a compliment to your writing talent.
That’s a lovely compliment. Thank you.
I like this story. It feels true and that you are not a young person making it up. The Beatles were so huge effecting all parts of our world then, you ought to expand and continue this story to cover 1962-1970. Well done. If you are young, Bravo!
Thank you! (I’m 38 so young is relative I suppose!)
It’s young to first generation Beatle fans who lived through that decade. That it felt real to me is a compliment to your writing talent.
That’s a lovely compliment. Thank you.