Sorry, readers! The last newsletter you received was sent in error. I meant to publish it in my other newsletter, Dog Toy Review, which may sound like a hipster literary magazine, but it’s not. It is where I review the toys my dog plays with. If you’re a dog lover, please consider subscribing there too!
In the meantime, I hope you’ll stick with me through these technical difficulties. In a week or so, I’ll be publishing another newsletter about my time in Russia, this time focused on body image and why the Passport Bro myth about women being hotter elsewhere is an illusion.
If you’re a new-ish subscriber, you may want to check out some of these older posts.
Buying Umbrellas in Berlin
A travelogue of my whirlwind tour of Germany over Christmas of 2023.
Robert’s Red Light
A memorial to a friend who died tragically.
Madam Betty Ryan: Courtroom Sensation of 1940
An investigation into a bit of forgotten local history surrounding a notorious member of the underworld.
Final Notice
A teenage girl makes her way through life on her own.
How to Make a Swedish Goat
A literary horror story about teenage romance, spooky family lore and Swedish Christmas traditions.
Make it Taste Bad
A send-up of diet culture and one of the first stories I published on here.
Happy Friday!